Domain Finder Tools provide multiple tools for finding valuable domain names. It can be used to find domain names that are about to expire, have already expired, and names that have never before been registered
Domain Finder Tools Features:
Expiring Domains Search
* Automatically downloads the current database of domain names that are about to expire.
* Search and filter the resuts by keyword, deletion date, extension, domain length, allow Digits, and allow hyphens.
* Automatically retrieve PageRank, Alexa rating, Yahoo backlinks, and MSN backlinks.
* Import and export domain name lists up to 999,999 domain names.
* Sort domains by name, length, extension, PageRank, Alexa rating, Yahoo backlinks, MSN backlinks and more!
Expiring Domain Grabber
* Automatically attempt to register domains the moment they are deleted.
* Register deleted domains for $8.95 or less, rather than the $60+ charged by other services.
* Attempt to register domain names as often as every second.
* Set the time to start and stop domain registration attempts (you can set it up and walk away)
* Easy integration through, and domain registrations for $8.95 or less.
* Instant notification of successful domain registrations.
Domain Suggestion and Availability
* Automatically suggest hundreds of domain names for any keyword or keyword combination.
* Quickly check the registration status of hundreds or even thousands of domain names.
* Customizable prefix and suffix lists, preconfigured with many popular words
* Import and export domain name lists up to 999,999 domain names.
* Sort domains by name, length, extension, and availability.
* Register domains directly through the software for quick and simple registration.
Previously Expired Domain Search
* Access to millions of previously expired domain names.